IRC/Swan 42 Champions to Contend for ATI Win?

The IRC East Coast and Swan 42 National Championships was hosted by New York Yacht Club in Newport this weekend, with six of the 40 competitors having raced in the 2014 CYC Around the Island Race: Patricia Young and Paul Hamilton’s Entropy , Paul Zabetakis’ Impetuous , Brian Cunha’s Irie 2, Lincoln Mossop’s The Cat Came Back , Todd Stuart’s White Rhino and Brooke Mastrorio’s URSA . Irie 2 and The Cat Came Back already signed up for our 2015 race. We challenge this weekend’s winners to contend for another first place finish on Narragansett Bay on September 6! We’re talking to you, Vesper (Jim Swartz), Temptation-Oakcliff (Art Santry), August West (Jamey Shachoy) and Mahalo (Charles Kenahan).