30-Day Countdown Kicks off Today!

There are 30 DAYS until the 88th Conanicut Yacht Club Around the Island Race kicks off on Narragansett Bay! We are going to be counting down to the start with daily updates and fun facts on the event blog, as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  

 From the ATI Organizing Chairman, John Mayers:
Over the years, the challenge of racing around Conanicut Island has become an element to multiple races in the area. However, I believe that after 88 years, the Conanicut Yacht Club’s edition still remains a special anchor to the tradition.

For me personally, this year marks my fifth time planning and participating in this tremendous tradition; during this time so many competitors have told me how important this race is to their summer sailing calendar, because it is fun, laid back, and for many a family affair; most importantly it holds so many memories for so many people. Each year, I enjoy the post-race conversations where competitors relate their ATI experiences from 20, even 30 or more, years back.

I have equally enjoyed when our older Conanicut Yacht Club members tell their stories of competing or volunteering for the race, as their memories are so woven into the cloth that is our club’s heritage.

All of this is why I am proud to chair this race and proud that my club, the Conanicut Yacht Club, sponsors such a great event.

So, get out on the Bay this Labor Day Sunday and be part of the hundreds of boats racing and enjoying the region’s traditional last weekend of summer.
To register for the race, visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=10422

For race documents and more event details, visit http://www.conanicutyachtclub.org/ATI.aspx


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